reflections on life in the former East Germany
Author: gcalder
Beyond Ben, Penn: enlivening city history
James Forten – anti-slavery activist and Philadelphia businessman
Involving Students in the Political Process: Proposing Constitutional Amendments and Participating in the Public Debate
The juniors in our American History course were studying the Constitution in the fall of 2008 as the Presidential race reached its final stages.
Deciding what we won’t do
the torture policy debate
Immoral or just not affordable
Prohibition and the current debate over the legalization of drugs and the death penalty
Students should consider range of colleges these days
the impact of the economic downturn on college admissions in the spring of 2009
Take Heed: Freedom has risks
an historical perspective on congressional debate over “the bailout”
Ignore the statistics: It’s a great time to be applying to college
applying to colleges in the spring of 2008, pre-downturn