A 1922 New York Times list of the greatest living American men and women provides a fascinating window into the post-WW1 period. My students came up with their own top ten for 2011.
Author: gcalder
America’s never-ending tea party
Today’s tea partyers are not the first. In the 1920s, anti-prohibition “wets” invoked the 1773 event.
Nation-building when it was the only option
The importance of the Freedmen’s Bureau, then and now.
Constitutional love should not be blind
Unfortunately, an increasingly vocal group of Americans treat the Constitution as though it were a sacred document rather than a working blueprint of government designed to be amended as conditions change.
A constitutional battle across the generations
What the 112th Congress could learn from Frederick Douglass.
Thankful for ‘friendly assistance’
Data on poverty in Philadelphia in 1800 from the records of the city’s almshouse.
Let’s keep the state in Penn State
State funding levels for Penn State have dropped to less than a tenth of their 1970s levels and further cuts seems likely. Should the university “go private”?
These states were never easily united
USA 1 and USA 2 – Why the first one is still important
In defense of the college “early decision” option
There are good reasons to consider the binding early decision option.
Gender divisions in college
The dominance of girls in liberal arts college applicant pools has led to their being judged by a more stringent set of criteria than their male counterparts.